Climate Bottom meeting starts in Copenhagen Dec 07

Henri Laupmaa ยท Comments: 0
Right now the Copenhagen Climate Bottom Meeting has started. Many thinkers and global leaders have suppressed, that this is a unique and critical chance to achieve co-operation on international level. Some say it's our last chance to stop the process of global warming and climate change that is already rapidly unfolding. 

Heikki Hattila from Let's do it! team has worked hard to build a sauna to promote the clean-up idea for the journalists and visitors in Copenhagen. 

Toomas, Rainer and Nele are also there as well as many musicians from Estonia. Rainer has a chance to introduce the Let's do it! action by giving a speech. Hopefully we will have more detailed news from them soon.

Read their stories at:

The concept of Waste - Funeral of the day

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