Status Quo in Romenia, Slovenia and Portgual Dec 06

Henri Laupmaa · Comments: 1
Things in Romania, Slovenia and Portugal have been heating up more and more! You can follow the progress in Romania from their website: In Portugal there are already more than 25 000 volunteers registered for the clean-up day on 20th of March ! You can see the process from their website: Slovenia has also opened up the website and is moving ahead fast The last news came from Italy - a group of activists have opened a website where citizens can report illegally dumped or littered waste: 

There were also some news about the progress in Estonian Media:
Delfi: Portugal hakab Eesti eeskujul prügi koristama
Eestlaste kampaania on levinud mujale Euroopasse
Teeme ära alustas ka Rumeenias

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